I Loved My Spring Break

April 11, 2024 00:38:07
I Loved My Spring Break
Kid Life Podcast
I Loved My Spring Break

Apr 11 2024 | 00:38:07


Show Notes

Host: Amir


In the latest episode of the Kid Life Podcast with Amir, listeners are taken on a whirlwind journey through Amir's spring break adventures. Starting with his culinary escapades, Amir recounts his dining experiences, including a quest for the perfect meal at various eateries. From chicken sandwiches to Korean barbecue, every meal has a story, including mishaps with orange juice spills and missed basketball games. Amidst the dining tales, Amir shares snippets of engaging conversations with his siblings, highlighting the bonds of family and the joys of sisterly wisdom.

As the spring break continues, listeners are treated to a trampoline park adventure and a tantalizing visit to a balloon museum, complete with VR experiences and light shows. Through Amir's vivid storytelling, the excitement of each activity comes to life, from bouncing on giant ramps to exploring magical balloon-filled realms.

The episode concludes with a glimpse into Amir's upcoming plans, including an eagerly anticipated field trip and reflections on his impending transition to sixth grade. With his trademark enthusiasm and humor, Amir leaves listeners eagerly anticipating the next installment of his adventures.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:13] And welcome back to the kid Life podcast. It's your host, Amir. And it's been a while, but I'm gonna fix that. It's been a while since I made an episode, so I'm gonna fix that for sure. Um, it. [00:00:29] A lot of things have happened since the last time I recorded. Um, let's see, where to start? So I've been through spring break already. I meant to make an episode about that after spring break, but technically, I just got back yesterday, so technically, this is my spring break episode. [00:00:48] Now that I think about it. I wasn't really thinking about that. Um, anyways, so some things that have happened. Let's see. Okay, well, I started watching Harry Potter. I'm one, like the last. I'm on the last movie. Started watching it during spring break. [00:01:09] I'm doing a basketball that's going pretty well. My first tournament is April 19 to the 21st, I believe. I think. Don't know for sure it. [00:01:23] But anyways, so, yeah, that's that. Yeah, Easter's happened. Easter was fun. I had an Easter egg hunt. [00:01:32] I went to my aunt's at the start of spring break, and we had an easter egg hunt. I found both golden eggs. I got $5 as a reward. [00:01:41] So, yeah, that was cool. [00:01:43] I feel like I should have got maybe $10 just because I found both golden eggs. [00:01:50] But, yeah, that was pretty fun. I was there for like two. For like two days. Yeah, two days. Um, it was. It was good. We had some good food. It was. It was great. [00:02:01] And then after that, I went home to my dad and we went to Washington to see both. Two of my sisters. Two of my three sisters. Um, one of them goes to George Mason and the other goes to Howard University. [00:02:20] So we went. So we went to go see them in Washington. [00:02:25] And it was fun. So the first night we only got one of them. [00:02:30] I went with my youngest brother, my. One of my older brothers, and one of my three sisters. We went down there on two last. [00:02:42] Last Tuesday. And we went to Washington. And we got there around like 605:00 maybe because we left at like eleven and. [00:02:57] Yeah, so. And we picked up the one that goes to Howard and we went to the. To eat. She picked a place. It's called carbines in Washington. It was an italian restaurant. So we could not go because they wouldn't let us. [00:03:13] They wouldn't let us technically come in to eat because we didn't make a reservation, so they wouldn't let us. So we went. They said there was a barbecue at mexican place. But then I saw a chinese place, but we didn't go there. We went to the mexican place. Now, the first thing they told us at the mexican place was we only serve small servings. So they suggest we buy a lot of food to eat or else it will not be filling. Now, let me tell you, that food was so expensive for how much they were giving us, and that's their plan. Their plan is to serve small servings so that you have to buy a whole bunch of food to get full, and then you end up spending a whole bunch of money, like, meatballs with, like, cheese and some stuff on it and some sauce that was, like, $11. And then there was something. It was like, steak and some small steak pieces and something else. I didn't get that, or nobody at the table got that. And, um. But it was $21, and it wasn't much. I don't think it was much. I got two tacos. Two tacos. And they were like, $12.02 tacos. The tacos aren't even good. They gave us those blue corn chip shells, though. It was not good. And the red onion was terrible. And they gave me this spicy sauce because I asked for it to see what it was about. It wasn't even spicy sauce. It was like this. [00:04:33] It was more of a dip. It was, like, super chunky. It had, like, chicken or something in it, but it was definitely really spicy. It's one of those things where it's, like, all spice, no flavor. It's just a crazy kick in the face. It's no spy. It's all spice, no flavor. So we ate there, and a few of us didn't really like it that much. I had this drink. It was. It said. It said lime lemonade or in, like, spanish or whatever, and it. It said it was gonna be, like lime. So I expected it to be a little bit limey, but it was like. It really tasted like a lime. Like it was. It was. I guess it was lime juice, but it really did not taste good. I was hoping for a lemonade, but I guess not. [00:05:22] So, yeah, that wasn't as expected. [00:05:26] So I. [00:05:29] So then we left the mexican restaurant. We're like, how about we go to the barbecue place across the street to eat there? Because that was not very filling and stuff like that. One of my sisters said that it was kind of filling, so. But we still went over there, and, um, the barbecue place was closed, so I said, I. I said, I suggested that we go to the chinese place. My dad was like, yeah, we've experimented for enough tonight on food. So how about we not go there? So we went to this place that I went to the last time I was in Washington. So, mind you, the last time I was in Washington was during spring break. And I probably believe I talked about this on my episode that I made last year after spring break. I hope I did. I really hope I did. Um, so if I did, you should probably go check it out just to make sure. So, you know, I'm talking about. So I was taking a trip to New York, and we were stopping places. Like, we stopped in Washington, and we stopped in Maryland for, like, just to get food and stuff, but we stopped in Washington, and then when we stopped in Washington, we went to the black History museum, and we went to this place called. [00:06:35] Oh, lord. What was it called? [00:06:37] Why can't I remember? It was called. It was called. It was called. Was it called angry chicken? No, it wasn't called angry chicken. It was called. I can't remember what it's called. It's this. It's this hot. It's this chicken place. It serves, like, hot chick, like, hot chicken wings and chicken sandwiches and stuff. It's really good. The first time I went during that spring break, I didn't like it only because I got the wings. Do not go there and get the wings. If you get them hot, like, I think that's the only thing you can get. If you get them hot, they're not that good. And I'm telling and saying this because, like, again, I say it's one of those things that's all heat, no flavor, and especially if it touches your lip. Like, I told y'all in the episode about the jalapeno experience that. That it touched my lips, and it just was not good. You want to hear more about that, go to that episode, and you can check my instagram for, like, kind of a viewing of what happened, kind of like, see how I reacted to eating it. [00:07:40] Anyways, um, so, yeah, that was. [00:07:47] And, um, so the second time I went, I didn't get the wings. I didn't know they had chicken sandwiches last time. So I got the chicken sandwich. The chicken sandwich was so much better. It had flavor. Like, I got. I think I got hot, which I think is their hottest flavor. They have mild, medium, and hot. I think hot is their hottest flavor. Now, my brother made the mistake of getting the wings. Now, my sister, my. The one that goes to Howard, she ended up taking them and eating them, and she said. [00:08:14] She said it was one of those things that was all heat, no flavor. Like, we were both saying that after the mexican place because she tried the dip that I got. I'm calling it dip. I'm not calling the sauce. That was not a sauce. That was a dip. That was a dip. And I asked for a sauce that was a dip. So she said it was one of those things that was just all heat, no flavor. And I was like, I agree with you. And that's why I didn't get them. Me and her both got the chicken sandwich, and we ate it. So I got it with ranch. And I think I. And I got it with some pickles, I think. Yeah, I got it with some pickles, I believe. And it was just. It was really good. Honestly, I don't really like their fries. Their fries can be kind of a weird flight, a weird taste. But, um, overall, it was pretty good. I myself, my first rating would have been, like, a five out of ten, but my second rating, I'll give it like a nine, honestly. Or actually an 8.5, honestly. It was. It was good, but it just. It. You don't have many good choices, really. Like, the best thing I got was the chicken sandwich. I think there are chicken tenders up there, which my brother, my dad kept telling him to get those, but he was like, no, I want the wings. And he made that mistake. So. [00:09:30] And we went there to the chicken place because he didn't like his. His quesadilla that he had, the mexican place. So we specifically went there to get him food. Also, I was still hungry. So we specifically went here. There mostly to get him food because he didn't eat. And then he still didn't. He ended up still not eating, so well. That was crazy. Um, but, yeah, that's. That was the first night of Washington. And, you know, I had some talks with two of my sisters. They're very smart people. Good to have them. They're perfect to have a good conversation with. So I had a con. I had few conversations with them. I don't like to get in the details all the time, so I don't really want to talk about it. [00:10:15] Yeah. And plus, I can't remember some of the stuff that we said. I'm gonna tell you, I might be a kid, but my memory is not always good if I don't think hard. [00:10:26] That's why I couldn't remember the name of ticket, please. I wasn't thinking that hard. But I. If I remember it, I'll mention it in the next episode anyways, which hopefully, by the way, will come out soon. [00:10:40] So there was one thing that night that I was mad about though, besides the mexican place and not getting into the italian place, which probably would have been good. [00:10:50] I am a Bucks fan specifically because of Damien Lillard, he's my favorite basketball player. [00:10:56] And so the Bucks were facing Washington, the Wizards, they were in Washington and I had the possibility to go to the game, but I could not go because I did not know it was happening in Washington. So I did not get the chance to get tickets, which I might not have gotten them anyways. I don't really know cuz I probably would have spent the night hanging out my sisters, but then again, we could have gone to the basketball game. So with my sisters and brothers, but we probably could have gone to the basketball game. That would have been fun. Um, yes, I was pretty mad about that. That was definitely one of the things I was mad about that night. Um, of course we had to take pictures. By the way, according to all of my siblings, or at least most of them, we do not take pictures well. Like when people be asking us to take pictures, we'll be like, I really don't want to. [00:11:55] And it's just, it's a mess. Unless we're all taking the pictures together, it might look alright because we all don't take pictures very well. I think it'll look all right. We have to, we don't even just smile. We have to do other things to kind of COVID that to make it a lot better. [00:12:16] Look a lot better. But don't quote me on that or, well, let me not say quote, let me say don't like, but don't just say that I said that only I'm saying that. We all said that. We all said that. So you can't. [00:12:37] Yeah, you can't just say that I'm saying that especially if anybody I know is listening to this. Can't exactly say that. I really know that. [00:12:46] That I, me, myself only said that it was all of us. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but it makes sense to me. So, um. [00:12:55] But, um. So yeah, that was the first night. And then, so the next day we, we were in a good hotel. So we had some breakfast. Let me tell you, at breakfast, this was. [00:13:09] So we woke up, went to breakfast. It was me, my two brothers, and one of my sisters and my dad. We went to breakfast. I got so let me tell you, that hotel orange juice, no matter where you go, it's the same orange juice. It's so good. What's crazy is it's so good, but I never finish it. I probably get caught up with the breakfast so much that I never, ever finish it, but it's just so good. And so I went to, um. We went to breakfast, and we were too late, um, for omelets. So we just kind of had to get normal scrambled eggs and stuff. And I really want omelet. Omelets are good. Very good. Ten out of ten omelets. Um, but. So I got some eggs, some potatoes, sausage, and what else did I get? I think that's all I got. Yeah, that. Oh, and a french toast. So we went to the table. Of course, I went to go get a giant. Well, not a giant cup, but I kind of. I got a small cup, which was the only cups that were there. Filled it to the top of the orange juice, went to the table, and of course, I put it down, and I probably was moving fast, but if I wasn't, I probably just. He probably just slipped out of my hand. And next thing I know, the whole. The whole table is covered in orange juice. [00:14:23] We go to the next table. My brother spills, I think, apple juice or orange juice or wherever he had. And, um, so the cleaning lady was nice enough to clean it up. Um, well, the cleaning man. And, um, so, yeah, but the orange juice is still very good, but I never, ever finished it, and I don't know why. Um, but, yeah, that was the start of my day. It was breakfast. It was good. And. And so we packed up because we were also leaving that day after we hung out with my two sisters. [00:14:58] We had to get the other one this time because she wasn't there with us the night before because she had dance. But she was free that day, last Wednesday. So we went. Picked her up, then picked my sister from Howard up, and then we went to the trampoline park. Now, the trampoline park was not big, so there wasn't much to do. But we all did. This one thing was like this ramp, and we would all. We were all trying to run up it. We were trying to run up. Up to the top and get to it. It took me a while. My little brother never made it. He never made that one. Um, my. One of my sisters made it. My brother made it. My other brother. Not my little brother, my other brother. And I think one of my other sisters made it. She might not have, but one of my sisters. I don't think she. I think she tried once and then didn't try again. Um, but we did have some fun. It was. It was small, but it was fun. We were there for an hour and then we left because one of my sisters, my, the one from Howard, she had to get back to class cuz she only had a break for a few hours. And so went to this korean barbecue place. [00:16:10] It was so good. It's called Kpot. So what they do is it's $35 a person. [00:16:19] It's all you can eat whatever you don't finish, of course you have to pay extra for. But it's. It was already $35 a person. I think it was less for me and my little brother because we're kids. Um, but yes, it was $35 a person. Um, but the good thing was though, they serve japanese drinks that cost money and they serve free boba drinks. Um, that they were free. But the only thing was we were not allowed to take them out of the restaurant, which I was mad about. Cuz for some reason I was dumb enough to get a drink. Me. I did the same thing my dad did. My dad's not dumb for sure. He's definitely not. But we both just ended up getting drinks at the end because we weren't really trusting it because we had never tried before. So we ended up getting drinks at the end of the dinner and or lunch and we ended up not being able to drink it all because we could not leave with the. We could not take the thing out. So we had to leave it there. [00:17:18] So I was very mad about that because it was so good. I got mango flavor. It was so good. And there was also an all you can eat buffet there. It had fried chicken, french fries, and it had lo mein rice. I didn't really like the rice. It had fruit, jello, all that stuff. It was good. [00:17:43] And I had this spicy mayo sauce. The spicy mayo was so good. And so K pop is one of those places where you cook the food yourself. We did korean barbecue, so we got like shrimp, prime beef and stuff like that, you know, but it was really, really good, honestly. And the last time I went to a place like that, I didn't really like the sides. It didn't have a buffet. I really didn't like the side, so it wasn't exactly good. [00:18:13] And, um, to me, but the, the meats that we got were good. But my mom and her boyfriend, they just ended up ordering so much, I actually tapped out. [00:18:27] And I rarely ever do that. That's a rare thing to see, a rare thing for me to tap out, um, when I'm eating, so. So when I'm, when I'm meeting, so, yeah, that's a rare thing. [00:18:42] Very. [00:18:43] So I actually tapped out. [00:18:46] But, um, yeah, so that type of their place is good. And so then we ended up leaving. We dropped them both off, and then we went home. [00:18:57] So. Well, we started the drive home. It was a very long drive. We stopped this little village. The village was. It was so beautiful. It was so crazy. It was crazy. It was cool. It was so beautiful. Like, they had stores, shops, houses, everything there, and a public park. It looked so beautiful. I took so many pictures. I'm gonna post some of those on my instagram if you want to go check those out. And please, please follow. Please follow. And also, like, the pictures. [00:19:30] And so, yeah, that was that. And we ended up getting back at like, 01:00. Slept for like 2 hours because we, our dad had to drop us back out to a mom. Well, um, me and my younger brother, we were going to our mom for the rest of spring break, and, um, my other two siblings that we rode down with, we had to take them back to their mom. [00:19:55] And so we slept for a few hours, drove an hour to drop my two siblings off, and then we drove a few more hours to drop me and my brother off to my mom. And we stayed with my mom for the next three, four days, I think. Four days, maybe four or three. If you count Thursday, it's four, because that's when he dropped this off. [00:20:24] So, yeah, that was good. So I'm gonna explain that right now. And when we got there, we. [00:20:31] Let me think. I'm thinking about what we started doing when we got there. Of course I took a shower, because I. Of course I took a shower. So I took a shower. [00:20:41] Felt very good. I played some video games, of course. [00:20:46] My cousin finally came over to state to stay over, and, well, actually, before we know, my cousin was on a cruise that day. Actually, my cousin was on a cruise that day. She was coming back the next day, so the next day, it was Friday, I believe. So on Friday. I don't know why I keep saying Friday like that. So on Friday, we went to the balloon museum. It's a traveling museum. It's very, very cool. Like, so awesome. I'm also gonna post some videos and stuff of that. And, yeah, that would. It was pretty crazy, not gonna lie. So, like, we saw a few balloon exhibits and stuff. There was this one thing. It was like this super huge giant ball, and it had, like, pencil markings or something on it. And every time we bounced it around and hit the walls, it would mark the walls. That's what it's meant to do it. And then, of course, we wash our hands off and stuff. And then one of the exhibits I liked so much was the interactive one. It was this ball pit. There was a light show with it. So you jumped in the ball pit and you could play around a little bit and stuff like that. My mom kept getting so scared because I kept scaring her. When I went deeper and deeper and stuff, it was like, like a giant pool filled with, um, filled with, like, plastic balls. And so we, um, I played around in that for a little bit, and that was pretty cool. I made some videos of that. That's definitely one of some of the videos I'm going to post. And, um, it was just so cool. And when the light show started, it was even more awesome. It was so crazy. What I was mad about was that I had to get out. I didn't want to get out. [00:22:32] So, yeah, didn't like that. But it was so fun. It was so awesome, um, overall, and we got to do this VR experience. The VR experience was really cool. And so, yeah, the VR experience was awesome. We went through this whole place full of balloons. It was castles. So, like, you start out and they're just balloons and stuff on the floor. They're like, attached to the floor. And then you start going higher and higher, faster and faster, until you finally reach the top. You're above the clouds, and you see a giant castle. You see the Statue of Liberty, you see balloons everywhere, and then you see dragons and creatures. It's like you were stepping into a balloony, magical world. And then, like. And then you get swallowed by a giant princess. She swallows you. And then. Ow, ow, ow. Sorry. My ankle hurts. [00:23:26] Then you go into this tube. It's like a roller coaster. You could feel it. Like it was a roller coaster. And you go through the tube, and it sends you into the seaworld. And you go to the seaworld. See, now, this is the part where I got mad because my thing turned off for some reason. I don't know if I hit something or whatever, but it turned off. So I got mad because I started missing stuff. And apparently amazing things were happening, according to my mom, her boyfriend, and my brother. So I got mad, very, very, very mad that I missed that. And then as soon as I put my mind, um, my, um, VR goggles back on, next thing I know, 5 seconds later, it's over. [00:24:05] I was very, very mad. Very. [00:24:09] So, um, yeah, that was, that was on whole Bloons museum in a nutshell. [00:24:15] Anyways, so after that, of course. So we went to go pick my cousin up so she could stay with us for the weekend because, um. [00:24:25] Yeah, so. Because we be down there. We're down there barely because our mom lives kind of far away. Um, so. So she comes to stay at our house when we are there most of the time. And so, yeah, so she. We picked her up, we went back home, and so we had sort of a game night. We played phase. Well, no, actually. Actually, we tried to play phase ten, but my mom said that we had to take showers because we jumped in the ball pit even though she knew I was gonna take one in the morning. Cuz when I'm at my mom's house, I'm always free. Like I'm never going to school or nothing. Um, so she knows that I always take a shower in the morning and get dressed. Now, she's very impressed because she never seen me do that, like, ever. So, um, yeah, I do that. And I, um, I take a shower, I get dressed, all that stuff as soon as I wake up. Because when I wake up, I do not feel comfortable with myself all the time. So I take a shower. I. So I take a shower in the morning. [00:25:32] And, um, so mom told me I had to take a shower anyways. And so I took a shower. And then apparently it took. The thing about my cousin is if she gets on the couch and she covers herself with a blanket, if you let her get on the couch, cover seven, a blanket in five minutes, she's knocked out and you can't wake her up unless you're telling her to go upstairs to go back to sleep. [00:25:56] So, yeah, that's. No, uh, oh. [00:26:03] And we, um. [00:26:10] So me and my brother ends up taking too long with the showers and she ended up falling asleep. So we didn't end up playing phase ten. And so I just played video games for a little bit and then I went to bed. [00:26:21] Um, and yeah, that's when I. That day I started watching Harry Potter movies. Well, actually, Friday was. Yeah, that day I started watching Harry Potter movies. [00:26:33] And, um, so the next day of we hung out a little bit. We went to the movies. We saw Godzilla, x, Kong. That movie was so good. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to. Honestly, it's so. It was so good. If you haven't seen it yet, you haven't lived. You haven't lived if you haven't seen it yet. And, um, so we went and saw that and then we went home. Then, um, we played a little bit of video games. And then we actually played face ten this time before my cousin could fall asleep. And we ordered wings and so, um. [00:27:12] Um, my mom's boyfriend, my cousin and my brother, they went to go pick up the wings. When they went to go pick up the wings, we stopped playing phase ten. It was just me and my mom at the house, and we waited for them to get back. And when they got back, we ate before we started playing again. And my cousin started getting on the couch because we were still waiting on my mom and her boyfriend to finish eating. So, of course we were waiting. And then she. She started getting on the couch like she was about to fall asleep. We're like, London, Lee, get up. Get up. Because, no, you're not falling asleep. You been saying, let's play phase ten, guys. Let's get off the electronics and play phase ten and play games and stuff like that. You. And you've been saying that, so, no, you're not getting on the couch. You're gonna get up. And so. And then we kept telling her to get up. And when we finally started playing, yeah, we played. And we played until it was like, so my mom was winning, like, the entire game. I started off winning, then I got behind. So my mom hit, like, phase seven. And then my brother and cousin quit, and then they went upstairs. [00:28:19] Now, she actually stayed awake this time. I thought she was gonna fall asleep, but my cousin actually stayed awake longer than me, I think. And so it was me and my mom's boyfriend. We were playing with my mom. Cause she really wanted to get a face done. I've never seen my mom so excited to play a game. Like, she's always the one that wants to go to sleep, so I've never seen her so excited to play a game. So when we played, she was like, oh, guys, I'm almost a phase ten. I'm almost a face ten. And so after she completed phase seven, we were like, okay, we're gonna go upstairs. We didn't know you wanted to get the phase ten. And then she was like, fine, I'll play by myself then. And then I felt so guilty, and I was like, mom, I'll play with you. And she was like, no, it's okay. And I was like, no, mom, I'm gonna play with you. And then her boyfriend Kevin said, yeah, I'll play, too. And she was like, bro, we really. Yeah, we'll play. And so we played till she got a phase ten. I almost caught her, but she ended up staying one ahead of me every time. [00:29:15] So she'll getting phase ten and completing it. So that was a very big achievement for her. [00:29:22] That's one of her favorite games, I believe so. That was a very big achievement for her. So yay, mom. That's good for you. Applause so, um, yeah, that was that night. So the next morning I wake up, I find out my cousin's going to breakfast with her cousin, who is technically my cousin. Yeah, we've agreed to be cousins. And so, um, so they went to breakfast because she lives, her cousin lives an hour away from where we live, still in the same state, but an hour away. And so she was down there where we were for a little bit. So they went to breakfast and then my cousin came back to the house and we were getting ready to leave that day, which it was actually. Yesterday we were getting. Yesterday we were getting ready to leave. And so we play for a little bit now, me and my brother had to be timed on the game because we had to share this one, p's five, and especially if we don't bring our other gaming system. So we're timed. And he was playing with my cousin and his friends. And, um, my cousin is not a hit a him, it's a her. I'm talking about my brother's friends, my brother, his friends and my cousin. They were playing. My cousin was starting to get annoyed with my brother's friends because I don't even like his friends that much on fortnight. And they were playing Fortnite. And so, of course, when I finally went to play, it's almost time for us to leave. And we had to take her with us because we had to drop her off at home. Now, she probably would have come with us to drop us off, but she had to take care of her dog because her mom was out playing tennis, I think. Yeah, maybe, possibly. I don't know. And, um, so she had to take care of her dog so she couldn't come with us. But, um, so we rode all the way down and we got dropped off to our dad and, yeah, that was that. And then we came home last night. [00:31:26] Did we? And we went, we came home and went to bed and then get push. Here we are. Wake up in the morning. What school. You know, the solar eclipse was today. I saw a good bit of it. I'm kind of mad. We weren't in the path to where we could, like, take it. Um, we weren't in the totality path, so we couldn't take our glasses off. But, um, yeah, I was afraid to look at the sun until like after 04:00 like, I didn't leave the house to go outside or anything to like six or five something. Yeah, until six something. So, um, yeah, that was. [00:32:05] Yeah, I was kind of scared to look. Look at the sun. And, um, so, yeah, the solar clips of today. I hope you all saw it. It was really cool. Honestly. Honestly. [00:32:19] And so, yeah, that was today. Also on Wednesday, I do have a field trip. It's the. I'm going to Bulls island, South Carolina. [00:32:29] So my teacher told me that this trip is gonna be, like, amazing. And unfortunately, what's crazy is, though, this trip is technically 12 hours long. Now. Let me tell you why. Because we have to get there at 06:00 in the morning, because bulls island is 2 hours away from us, so we have to get there at school at 06:00 in the morning. We can't get there. Not even a minute late. 06:00 on the dot, and then we leave at 630. I know it's kind of crazy that we had to get there. Six on the dot, but then we only leave at 630. But, like, they're like, if we don't get there at 06:00 and the. And we're not on the bus by 630, they're leaving us. They're not waiting at all. And so it's only five kids in my class that aren't going. So, of course, we're gonna, like, go swim. We're not swimming, but we're gonna get in the water and do so many fun nights, activities, and stuff like that. Apparently, we're gonna be on the actual bulls island for 4 hours, and then we're gonna be at this bird sanctuary for. [00:33:32] It's a birds of prey sanctuary. We're gonna be there for an hour, waiting for the boat to take us to Bulls island. And, honestly, that's all I know. I really don't know much of what we're gonna do specifically, so, yeah, that's gonna be really fun. [00:33:47] It's. [00:33:48] It was $82, so hopefully it's worth the money. Um, yeah, that's gonna be really, really fun. I hope. And, um, so, yeah, that's my future that's coming up, and tomorrow is my fifth grade awards ceremony. That's gonna be fun. Um, I can't wait till schools over. I'm not gonna lie to y'all. I'm going on a cruise now, the first week of June, and I cannot wait to be chilling and relaxing and then au basketball. I'm I'm starting my first tournament in a few weeks in, like. Wait, my first tournament might be next week. Hold on. Today is the 8th. The end of the week is the 12th. Sunday is the 14th, and then. So Sunday is the 14th. That next Monday is the 16th, and next Monday is the 16th, I believe. And then Tuesday is the 17th. [00:34:52] And then Wednesday is 18th. [00:34:57] Wednesday is the 18th. Hold on. Wednesday is the 18th. Thursday is the 19th. Am I. [00:35:05] Thursday is the 19th. So my tournament is from the 19th, which is next Thursday. From Thursday to Saturday, the 21st. [00:35:16] So that ought to be cool. I thought it was gonna be on the weekend, but I guess not. It's. It's a three day long tournament, so I don't know what I was expecting. So, yeah, the 19th, the 20th, and 21st. So, yeah, that ought to be interesting. And so, yeah, that, yeah, that's. Yeah, just really can't wait for summer. Like, I'm going to. And then the 4 July week, I'm going to Destin, and that's gonna be a really fun trip. Now, unfortunately, I'm gonna miss one of my tournaments for this cruise, but I guess hopefully it'll be worth it. Hopefully this cruise is fun enough to be worth missing a tournament. And. And, um. So, um, yeah, hopefully the cruise will be worth it for missing this tournament. Um, it better be because I really don't like missing stuff. Especially when it has to do with a team. Because if has to do with the team. I don't like letting. I don't like letting people down. So if. If it's not worth it, I'm gonna be really bad. Because I, like I said, I don't like letting people down. If I let someone down, I'm really gonna feel bad for myself. I'm really gonna, like, be hard on myself and feel really bad. [00:36:33] So, yeah, that's. That ought to be crazy. [00:36:41] Yeah, so I really just can't wait for summer and then I'm going to 6th grade next year. That'll be crazy. And, yeah, that's pretty much all I got for you guys today. I'm not gonna lie, I'm. I'm glad I had enough to talk about today. I'm actually not surprised that I had enough to talk about today, um, because, you know, spring break and stuff, it's been a while now that. [00:37:09] But anyways, let me get out of here before I start rambling on and this takes too long for me to end this thing. Um, hopefully my next episode will be our next week. [00:37:20] Maybe possibly sometime between Monday and Wednesday. [00:37:24] So, um, I guess I will talk. See you guys next week. Um, like I say, you can check me out on all podcast platforms. [00:37:35] Yeah, that's pretty much it for today, guys. So I'll see you next time. Peace.

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